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How To Get Rid of Ants In & Around Your Property

Long Island homeowners have a lot of pests to worry about. There are many different types that are attracted to area residences and each of them have different habits and skills that take special knowledge to address. Ants are one of the area pests, and they are frequently encountered around homes. Due to their small size, ants can get into almost any dwelling. If they find something they like while they are there, they will not only stay but will also notify other ants, who will then come as well. 

Don’t let ants invite themselves into your home. When you need ant pest control, contact EM Pest Control. We are your best option for pest control in Long Island, and we know all about effective ant control. Call us today when you need help with ants.

carpenter ants on wood

How To Tell If It’s Pavement Ants or Carpenter Ants on Your Property

The single biggest identifying feature of pavement ants and Carpenter ants is that they prefer to nest under concrete and in trees. They are frequently encountered by driveways and walkways. Pavement ants are a small species that are reddish-brown to black. Their colonies are large, with multiple queens. Pavement ants are the ones you will find creating small mounds of dirt in pavement cracks, driveways, and bricks. Carpenter ants are black but can appear reddish brown or black in color and are among the largest species in the United States. Carpenter ants are attracted to places with moisture. However, unlike termites they don't eat the wood. Rather they chew away at wooden structures to create a network of tunnels that lead to their nests.

If you are dealing with either pavement ants or carpenter ants, we can help. EM Pest Control knows all of the latest treatments, and we know how to get rid of ants permanently.


How Dangerous Are Ants?

Pavement ants are not aggressive and are not known for venomous stings. They are considered more of a nuisance pest. Unfortunately, they are great explorers, and they have a wide, flexible diet that makes just about any food source in your home interesting to them. In fact, food availability is usually what brings pavement ants into your home. Pavement ants will contaminate any and all foodstuffs they infest, and they also pose the risk of contaminating any surface they walk across, like counters, cabinets, and dinnerware. 

Like termites, carpenter ants are attracted to places with moisture. However, unlike termites they don't eat the wood. Rather they chew away at wooden structures to create a network of tunnels that lead to their nests. Over time, these tunnels can cause structural damage to your home.


Why Home Remedies for Ants Don’t Work

Pavement ants and Carpenter ants are difficult to address via DIY methods. Colonies can range from a dozen to a million and given their preference for living under pavement, concrete, or trees, direct action is not possible. Ants also don’t respond consistently to bait traps, and any members that they lose are easily replaced. Ants are consistently among the most commonly encountered pest ants for Long Island residents.

Ants are difficult to control without knowing the best ways to address them. If you need to get rid of pavement ants, EM Pest Control stands ready to help you. We have all of the training and experience we need for proper ant control near you.

How to Prevent an Infestation?

Ants of all kinds are very good about getting into your home. Pavement ants bolster that capability with the habit of nesting under solid surfaces like pavement and concrete. Once they move into your yard, they will consistently explore your house, and you will find yourself dealing with them constantly until they are eradicated. 

  • Store food in airtight containers to prevent ants from getting inside.
  • Clean up spills and crumbs off counters and floors.
  • Properly secure garbage inside and outside your property.
  • Fix any leaks and make sure water-damaged wood is replaced.

If you are struggling with pavement ants around your home, EM Pest Control knows how to help. Our technicians are well seasoned in all manner of pest control, and we know how to get rid of ants. Contact us today to get started on ant control.

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