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EM Pest Control



Stinging insects are some of the worst pests to deal with. Their stinging can cause mild discomfort to severe allergic reactions. They have a reputation for sending people to the emergency room. There are various types of stinging insects.  Below are three of the most common aggressive stinging insects encountered during the Summer according to the National Pest Management Association.


Yellow Jackets

These social insects tend to build nests in trees and buildings, as well as in the ground. They are slow to sting unless their nest is threatened, in which case they will become highly aggressive. Unlike bees, yellowjackets can sting several times and inflict severe pain.

What To Do:  Yellowjackets are especially attracted to sweets and proteins, so it is important to cover food and drinks during outdoor events and promptly clean up and dispose of food and garbage in a sealed trash container.




PPMA Yellowjacket from Who Knew
Paper Wasp

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps get their common name from the paper-like material they use to build their nests. The nests are typically made in the shape of an umbrella. These pests build nests on twigs and in tree branches and shrubs, as well as porch ceilings, eaves and similar covered places. Wasps are capable of stinging more than once and may use alarm pheromones to call for back-up in defending their nest.

What To Do:  Check for paper wasp nests before performing yard work such as shrub or hedge trimming. Treat wood fences and deck railings with a repellant oil to deter paper wasps from gathering cellulose for nest creation.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets get their common name because they are largely black in color, with a mostly white face. These social insects live in colonies that can contain between 100 and 400 members at their peak. They build nests that are at least three feet off the ground and in exposed locations such as trees, utility poles, overhangs, houses, sheds or other structures. Unlike many other stinging insects, bald-faced hornets do not reuse their nests season after season.

What To Do:  Bald-faced hornets are aggressive and will attack if their space is invaded. During the summer months, walk around the exterior of your home to inspect for nests on a routine basis, paying special attention to overhangs, eaves, the underside of porches and decks.


Bald-faced hornet

Tips on Avoiding Aggressive Stinging Insects

  • Seal cracks and crevices: Seal all visible cracks and crevices to keep stingers from moving indoors, and regularly inspect around the property’s perimeter for nests.
  • Keep food covered: During a picnic or cookout, cover all food when outside and be sure to keep tight fitting lids on trash bins.
  • Drink out of clear containers: Stinging insects can sneak into cans unnoticed, so it’s important to be able to see that a liquid is pest-free when drinking it.
  • Avoid excessive use of fragrances: If spending long periods of time outdoors, skip the perfume or cologne, as yellowjackets and other stinging insects are attracted to sweet-smelling fragrances. When possible, choose unscented shampoos, soaps, lotions and sunscreen.
  • Adjust wardrobe: Avoid wearing dark colors and floral prints, as these patterns can attract stinging insects. Wear closed-toe shoes, especially in grassy areas where hornets and other pests often nest.
  • Remain calm, cool and collected: Do not swat at stingers or flail in a panic—these movements may actually provoke an attack. Instead, remain calm and slowly walk away from the area. The insect should fly away without causing any harm.


What to Do If You Have an Infestation?

Due to the aggressive nature of these stinging insects, all hives and nests should NEVER be handled or removed on your own.  Some colonies can contain hundreds of insects and can sting en masse in defense of their nest.  It is important to contact EM Pest Control, a pest professional, to remove the nest and relocate it to a safe area. 






EM Pest Control holding hornets nest