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Ants invade in large numbers, which can make them challenging to get rid of. You might encounter three species in the area: pavement ants, odorous house ants, and carpenter ants. Like most pests, ants will come onto your property and into your home for food, water, and shelter. Although they have this commonality, they vary in how dangerous they are to you and your home.

Species of Ants In Long Island


Pavement Ants

  • Small species that are reddish-brown to black
  • Colonies are large, with multiple queens, and create small mounds of dirt in pavement cracks, driveways, and bricks.
  • Pavement ants get their name because they make their nests in or under cracks in pavement. They can infest structures.


These ants will eat almost anything, including insects, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts and cheese.


These ants live in or under pavement cracks.


 Pavement ants are capable of biting, which can lead to pain, discomfort, and even irritations, allergic reactions, and infections.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants

  • They are black but can appear reddish or brown and are among the largest species in the United States.
  • Like termites, carpenter ants are attracted to places with moisture.
  • Unlike termites, they don't eat the wood. Rather they chew away at wooden structures to create a network of tunnels that lead to their nests. Over time, these tunnels can cause structural damage to your property.


All species mainly attack wood that is or has been wet and damaged by mold. Even though these ants first invade wet, decayed wood, they may soon begin building paths through dry, undamaged wood. They usually come into buildings through cracks around doors, windows, or through holes for wires. They will also crawl along overhead wires, shrubs, or tree limbs that touch the building far above the ground.


Carpenter ants build their nests outdoors in various wood sources, including tree stumps, firewood or landscaping. They need a constant water source to survive. They will enter homes through wet, damaged wood.


Carpenter ants damage wood through their nest building. If they gain entry to a structure, they pose a property threat. They can convey a painful bite with pronounced mandibles and injection of formic acid into the wound.



Odorous House Ants

  • Small species that are dark brown to black
  • This ant gets its name from the strong, rotten coconut-like smell it gives off when crushed. These tiny insects' range in size from one-sixteenth of an inch to one-eighth of an inch long.


Odorous house ants like to eat sweets, especially melon.


Typically living for several years, these ants make their homes in exposed soil and wall voids.


These ants do not pose a public health risk, but they can contaminate food and should be avoided.

How to Prevent an Infestation?

  • Store food in airtight containers to prevent ants from getting inside.
  • Clean up spills and crumbs off counters and floors.
  • Properly secure garbage inside and outside your property.
  • Fix any leaks and make sure water-damaged wood is replaced.
ants in kitchen


What to Do If You Have an Infestation?

Ants can be difficult to get rid of. Sprays only work on the ants on the surface. It does not eliminate the colony, which is often located deep in the ground.  For help with finding the nest and getting rid of any infestation, contact EM Pest Control. We will track them down and keep them out of your property.